Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)


Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)

Positive behaviour support is a great way to help transform challenging behaviours and improve the overall quality and enjoyment of everyday life for people and their support network.

Experienced Behaviour Support Practitioners

Our experienced behaviour support practitioners can offer behaviour support for a wide range of challenging and complex behaviours. We will undertake all the relevant assessments to create a personal Positive Behaviour Support Plan (PBSP) and we’ll work with you to implement and monitor the plan.

Supporting The Individual, Family and Support Team

Positive behaviour support strategies include the participant, their family and their support team working together holistically to create a better quality of life. Positive behaviour support is based on the belief that people can achieve their goals with individually tailored strategies that play to their strengths and help minimise behavioural triggers and stresses.

Understanding Why Challenging Behaviour Happens

Challenging behaviour is often a result of frustration when an individual is unable to communicate or process their needs or feelings in certain situations. Challenging behaviours are then exhibited and used as a way of expressing unmet needs.

Helping People Express Their Feelings, Needs and Emotions

Our positive behaviour support practitioners work with people to explore behaviours to help them understand and recognise triggers and social cues. We can then work together to identify coping strategies to support people to safely and positively express their needs and emotions.

Positive Behaviour Support Plan (PBSP)

PBSP’s are proven to be effective in reducing challenging behaviours and minimising the need for restrictive practices. A PBSP also helps to improve communication between the participant and their support team and it contains strategies to support people to make lasting and positive changes.

The Participant and Support Team

The PBSP identifies strategies that assist people to respond differently to challenging situations. It also provides tools and techniques to help people manage, regulate and appropriately express strong emotions such as anger, frustration and stress.

The Environment

The PBSP identifies environmental changes that can be made to help reduce disruptive behaviour. It also establishes safe ways to respond to unsafe behaviours by providing strategies for managing and diffusing challenging behaviour when it arises to promote a safe and calm environment.

Dignity and Respect

The team at One Tribe Australia uphold a strict code of ethics and always work in the best interests of the individual to minimise or eliminate the use of restrictive practices. Our PBSP’s promote dignity, respect, equal opportunities, social inclusion and individual choice to ensure people can live their best life.

What are challenging behaviours?

Challenging behaviours are behaviours that can make an individual or those around them feel frustrated, distressed or fearful.  Challenging behaviour may also impact a person’s ability to engage in everyday activities.

Challenging behaviours are persistent as opposed to one-off and some of the more common challenging behaviours include things like obsessive-compulsive disorder, excessive anger, aggression, shouting, throwing or breaking things, smearing and soiling, extreme anxiety and phobias etc.

What are restrictive practices?

Restrictive practices are any interventions or practices that restrict the rights or freedom of movement of a person. They are used in response to a behaviour of concern and should always be considered as a last resort.

What is the difference between a Behaviour Support Practitioner and a Behaviour Support Therapist?

A Behaviour Support Practitioner (BSP) will usually hold a University qualification or they will have a high level of knowledge and experience supporting people experiencing challenging behaviours.  The BSP will write the behaviour support plan, develop the strategy and is registered to recommend, manage and implement restrictive practices.  A Behaviour Therapist usually assists the BSP to guide the participant and their supports to implement the recommendations and strategies in the behaviour support plan, under the supervision of the BSP.

Behaviour Support

Counselling & Coaching

Employment Support

Support Coordination

Recovery Coaching

Hoarding Support