Complex Assessment


Complex Assessment

We offer specialised assessment, reporting and consulting services in a range of areas within the disability and workers compensation frameworks including:

Bio-psychosocial Needs Assessment (BNA)

A BNA provides an opportunity to assess an individual’s bio-psychosocial needs in order to evidence an application for the NDIS and to request additional funding.  The BNA captures the required information from all the medical and allied health providers into one easy to read and concise report to help plan and streamline preparation for the NDIS review.

Assessment of Functional Living Skills (AFLS)

An AFLS provides a systematic way to evaluate, track and teach functional, adaptive self help skills so that individuals with autism or developmental delays can become more independent.

Vocational Assessment (VA)

A VA is a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s transferrable skills, qualifications and interests to identify potential future employment and training options, where a physical or psychological injury or redundancy prevents them from returning to their previous employment.

Ongoing Support Assessment (OSA)

An OSA is undertaken by an independent assessor who will review the barriers and needs of a person with disability and identify whether they would benefit from ongoing post-placement support following a 26 week employment outcome.

Supported Wage System Assessment (SWSA)

The SWSA provides a means for employers to pay employees with disability a productivity-based wage that has been assessed by an independent assessor under the Supported Wage System provisions.

Support Coordination

Social Work

Positive Coaching

Canine Capacity Building

Disability Support Work

Complex Assessment

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